Jamie MacKillop
Software Engineer
Tell Me More


I am a Software Engineer that values collaborative team environments, innovative solutions to complex problems, and building tools that positively impact people's lives.

Other things I value:

Full-Stack Development

I'm a big fan of React for front end development because it is component driven, levergaes uni-directional data-flow, and its documentation and support is almost unparalleled. I also enjoy using Redux in combination with React for state management. Ruby on Rails has been my main back end technology because of its ability to scale projects quickly and because it provides a consistent, recognizable framework for other developers.

To me, the symphysis of functionality and aesthetics is the ultimate package. Check out my portfolio below to see examples of how I utilize full-stack development to create a complete user experience.


To me, collaboration embodies the spirit of software engineering. I have now had the honor and pleasure to work on many talented and creative teams, across mulitple departments. At Ritani I work with engineering, design, product, QA, and marketing on a daily basis and I have found that intra and cross-department collaboration not only leads to high quality product, but helps me learn more about core business functionality. Becoming the best version of myself is a daily practice and I am looking to join a team of people who are always seeking to improve.

Passion for Learning

I haven't always been a developer, but I didn't let that stop me! I sought out mentorships and self taught for a year before I enrolled at Actualize, a four month full-stack development program. After graduation I attended a four month apprenticeship through The Difference Engine, where I got to experience paired-programming, agile development, and code reviews. Now, almost two years later, I continue to emmerce myself in software education. At my current job I recently did research and then a presentaion on GraphQL to help educate others and promote the adoption of this powerful technology.


Projects & Experience

Ritani Diamond Rings


Ecommerce - Engagement Rings



Data Analysis

Internet Freedom Festival

The Internet Freedom Festival

Conference Management Platform

Bilba Berria

Beso Beach

Formentera - Tulum

Bilba Berria

Bilbao Berria

Corporate Website

City Smarts

City Smarts

Company Site

Difference Engine

The Difference Engine

Int. Montessori Training Inst.



An ESG Investment Platform


Jamie MacKillop

Jamie MacKillop

Software Engineer

Life Philosophy: Leave it Better than You Found It.